Our Impact

The Psychedelic Association of Canada (PAC) was founded very recently, at the end of 2019, when our founders realized the need to establish a community hub, to work on opening access to psychedelics for all Canadians as a human right. Despite being a relatively young organization, we are pleased to have worked with many volunteers and professionals in our community, to make progress on fulfilling our mission to make these important medicines available to all.

Since our founding in 2019, together with the dedicated members of our community, we have achieved the following successes:

  • Our petition addressing the paradox that palliative care patients can legally receive Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID), though cannot receive psilocybin mushrooms to ease their anxiety, was read aloud in Parliament.                             
    Now, the need to change existing laws has been entered as a matter of discussion in parliament.   
  • Consulted with Toronto Public Health, to advise them on their Mental Health and Addiction Strategy.
    Now, their 2023 Our Health, Our City report recommended funding for research into psychedelics to treat mental illnesses.
  • The PAC successfully worked with Health Canada and representatives of all political parties to support access to psilocybin at end of life and to achieve Special Access Program status.
    Now, researchers and patients are starting to get access to the medicines they need.
  • Our petition in support of plant and fungi medicine was read aloud in parliament.
    Now, granting access to psychedelic medicines is now on the government's radar and conversations are happening at Health Canada and the Ministry of Health.
  • We were part of the coalition that submitted the Memorandum of Regulatory Analysis to Health Canada as a template for legislation for the legalization of psilocybin & psilocybin mushrooms.
    Now, Health Canada is engaged in research, ethics and standards to pave the way forward for access to psilocybin and MDMA.
  • We commissioned the 2021 Nanos Poll that found that 78% of Canadians support psilocybin to treat end of life patients.
    Now, we have evidence of the public's support for opening access to these important medicines
  • We were the Title Sponsor at Catalyst Psychedelic Conference in 2021.
    Now, Catalyst and the PAC created Catalyst as the premier gathering of Canada's psychedelic community, and created the PAC as Canada's leading psychedelic community.
  • The PAC’s founders and board members comprise the leaders, elders and pioneers in Canada’s psychedelic space and Drug Policy Reforms.
    Now, the PAC has networks, members and supporters across Canada in healthcare, business, government, education and research.
  • Our members are the leading psychedelic community in Canada, with hundreds of members from coast to coast.
    Now, members of Canada's psychedelic community have a space to network and exchange knowledge. The PAC has a broad and diverse team of generous, active and capable volunteers, who complete most of the work necessary to keep the PAC running.
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